01/02/2008 |
Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements |
GPO Access |
01/02/2008 |
Quarterly IRS Interest Rates Used in Calculating Interest on Overdue Accounts and Refunds on Customs Duties (25315) |
GPO Access |
01/02/2008 |
Oral Declarations No Longer Satisfactory as Evidence of Citizenship and Identity |
GPO Access |
01/02/2008 |
Re-Accreditation and Re-Approval of Inspectorate America Corp., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (24694) |
GPO Access |
01/02/2008 |
Re-Accreditation and Re-Approval of Inspectorate America Corp., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (24395) |
GPO Access |
01/02/2008 |
Re-Accreditation and Re-Approval of King Inspection and Testing, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
01/02/2008 |
Customs Brokers User Fee Payment for 2008 |
GPO Access |
01/02/2008 |
Re-Accreditation and Re-Approval of Pan Pacific Surveyors, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
01/08/2008 |
Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements; Correction |
GPO Access |
01/08/2008 |
Notice of Availability and Public Open House Announcement for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Tactical Infrastructure, U.S. Border Patrol, San Diego Sector, CA |
GPO Access |
01/08/2008 |
Notice of Revocation of Customs Broker Licenses |
GPO Access |
01/09/2008 |
Testing of Pressed and Toughened (Specially Tempered) Glassware |
GPO Access |
01/16/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities; CBP Regulations for Customshouse Brokers |
GPO Access |
01/16/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Cost Submission |
GPO Access |
01/16/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Declaration of Ultimate Consignee That Articles Were Exported for Temporary Scientific or Educational Purposes |
GPO Access |
01/16/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Canadian Boat Landing Permit (I–68) |
GPO Access |
01/16/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities; Commercial Invoice |
GPO Access |
01/23/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request Record of Vessel Foreign Repair or Equipment Purchase |
GPO Access |
01/23/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request Ship’s Stores Declaration |
GPO Access |
01/23/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; North American Free Trade Agreement Duty Deferral |
GPO Access |
01/23/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: On-Line Allegation Submission |
GPO Access |
01/23/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request Entry of Articles for Exhibition |
GPO Access |
01/23/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Request for Information |
GPO Access |
01/23/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Certificate of Compliance for Turbine Fuel Withdrawals |
GPO Access |
01/24/2008 |
Notice of Meeting of the Departmental Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection and Related Homeland Security Functions (COAC) - 1214 |
GPO Access |
01/24/2008 |
Proposed Interpretation of the Expression ‘‘Sold for Exportation to the United States’’ for Purposes of Applying the Transaction Value Method of Valuation in a Series of Sales |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of AMSPEC Services LLC, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Camin Cargo Control, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2297) |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2319) |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2302) |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2299) |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2300) |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2303) |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2317) |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2320) |
GPO Access |
02/08/2008 |
Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger (2301) |
GPO Access |
02/11/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2432) |
GPO Access |
02/11/2008 |
Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Military-Grade Flashlights and Replacement Part |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2632) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Multifunctional Machines (2636) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning; Standard and Rolled-Edge Ball Seals |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Camin Cargo Control, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2405) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Camin Cargo Control, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2435) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Chem Coast, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2437) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2400) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of NMC Global Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2406) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2431)
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2433) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2434) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2430) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger (2403) |
GPO Access |
02/13/2008 |
Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger (2436) |
GPO Access |
02/20/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (3090) |
GPO Access |
02/20/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
02/20/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (3094) |
GPO Access |
02/20/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (3092) |
GPO Access |
02/20/2008 |
Accreditation of Sea, LTD., as a Commercial Laboratory |
GPO Access |
02/20/2008 |
Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger (3097) |
GPO Access |
02/27/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Air Transport Program |
GPO Access |
03/07/2008 |
Addition of San Antonio International Airport to List of Designated Landing Locations for Certain Aircraft |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Alien Crewman Landing Permit |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Entry of Articles for Exhibition
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request Documentation Requirements for Articles Entered Under Various Special Tariff Treatment Provisions |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Application for Waiver of Passport and/or Visa (Form I–193) |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Certificate of Compliance for Turbine Fuel Withdrawal
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Drawback Process Regulations and Entry Collection Documents |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Automated Clearinghouse Credit |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Permit To Transfer Containers to a Container Station
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Record of Foreign Vessel Repair |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Certificate of Origin |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Report of Diversion |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Ship's Stores Declaration |
GPO Access |
03/25/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: NAFTA Duty Deferral |
GPO Access |
03/11/2008 |
Tuna — Tariff-Rate Quota; The Tariff - Rate Quota for Calendar Year 2008 Tuna Classifiable Under Subheading 1604.14.22, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) |
GPO Access |
03/31/2008 |
United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement |
GPO Access |
04/03/2008 |
Documents Required for Travelers Departing From or Arriving in the United States at Sea and Land Ports-of-Entry from within the Western Hemisphere |
GPO Access |
04/03/2008 |
Quarterly IRS Interest Rates Used in Calculating Interest on Overdue Accounts and Refunds on Customs Duties (6845) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Bennett Testing Service, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Camin Cargo Control, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (8025) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (8021) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (8038) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Laboratory |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (8045) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (7995) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (8017) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (8022) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (8024) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (8026) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (8040) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Approval of Freeboard International, as a Commercial Gauger |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger (8054) |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
04/15/2008 |
Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger (8000) |
GPO Access |
04/11/2008 |
Announcement of Program Pilot: International Traveler (IRT) Registered |
GPO Access |
04/11/2008 |
Modification and Extension of the Post-Entry Amendment Processing Test; Correction |
GPO Access |
04/25/2008 |
Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger (9119) |
GPO Access |
04/24/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Line Release Regulations |
GPO Access |
04/30/2008 |
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Stereoscopic Display Models |
GPO Access |
04/30/2008 |
Import Restrictions Imposed on Archaeological and Ethnological Material of Iraq |
GPO Access |
05/08/2008 |
Notice of Cancellation of Customs Broker License (10319) |
GPO Access |
05/08/2008 |
Notice of Cancellation of Customs Broker License Due to Death of the License Holder (10318) |
GPO Access |
05/08/2008 |
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Electric Mini-Trucks |
GPO Access |
05/06/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Lay Order Period - General Order Merchandise |
GPO Access |
05/06/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Application to Payoff or Discharge Alien Crewman |
GPO Access |
05/06/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Establishment of a Container Station |
GPO Access |
05/06/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Bonded Warehouse Regulations |
GPO Access |
05/06/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Notice of Detention |
GPO Access |
04/23/2008 |
Country of Origin Marking for the Republic of Kosovo |
GPO Access |
04/23/2008 |
Notice of Meeting of The Departmental Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection and Related Homeland Security Functions (COAC) - 8758 |
GPO Access |
04/21/2008 |
Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger |
GPO Access |
04/17/2008 |
Entry of Softwood Lumber Products From Canada |
GPO Access |
03/04/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Lay Order Period - General Order Merchandise |
GPO Access |
03/04/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Establishment of a Container Station |
GPO Access |
03/04/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Declaration for Unaccompanied Articles |
GPO Access |
03/04/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Notice of Detention |
GPO Access |
03/04/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Bonded Warehouse Regulations |
GPO Access |
03/04/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Application To Pay Off or Discharge Alien Crewman (Form I–408) |
GPO Access |
05/14/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Guam Visa Waiver Agreement |
GPO Access |
05/27/2008 |
Customs Broker License Examination Individual Eligibility Requirements |
GPO Access |
05/27/2008 |
International Registered Traveler Pilot Program Name Changed to Global Entry; Program Starting Date Accelerated; Changes to Enrollment Center Information |
GPO Access |
06/30/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Foreign Trade Zone Annual Reconciliation Certification and Record Keeping Requirement |
GPO Access |
06/27/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Crew’s Effects Declaration
GPO Access |
06/27/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Vessel Entrance or Clearance Statement |
GPO Access |
06/27/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Certificate of Origin |
GPO Access |
06/27/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Entry and Manifest of Merchandise Free of Duty |
GPO Access |
06/27/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Entry Summary and Continuation Sheet |
GPO Access |
06/27/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Drawback Process Regulations |
GPO Access |
06/27/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Petition for Remission or Mitigation of Forfeitures and Penalties |
GPO Access |
06/26/2008 |
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Fiber Optic Cable With End Connectors |
GPO Access |
06/23/2008 |
List of User Fee Airports: Additions of Capital City Airport, Lansing, MI and Kelly Field Annex, San Antonio, TX |
GPO Access |
10/22/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; U.S./Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) |
GPO Access |
06/13/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Harbor Maintenance Fee |
GPO Access |
06/12/2008 |
Articles Assembled Abroad: Operations Incidental to the Assembly Process |
GPO Access |
06/09/2008 |
Changes to the Visa Waiver Program To Implement the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) Program |
GPO Access |
06/09/2008 |
Mandatory Pre-Departure Filing of Export Cargo Information Through the Automated Export System |
GPO Access |
07/07/2008 |
Automated Commercial Environment (ACE): Change to the Terms and Conditions for Account Access of the ACE Secure Data Portal |
GPO Access |
04/17/2008 |
Final Rule on Softwood Lumber Products from Canada |
GPO Access |
07/25/2008 |
Uniform Rules of Origin for Imported Merchandise (71025) |
GPO Access |
10/08/2008 |
Implementation of Revised Lacey Act Provisions |
GPO Access |
10/29/2008 |
Importer Self-Assessment Product Safety Pilot |
GPO Access |
07/23/2008 |
United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement – Final Rule |
GPO Access |
06/13/2008 |
Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement – Interim Rule |
GPO Access |
09/30/2008 |
Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity Through Partnership Encouragement Acts of 2006 and 2008 – Final Rule |
GPO Access |
08/05/2008 |
United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement – Final Rule |
GPO Access |
02/01/2008 |
Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements; Extension of Comment Period |
GPO Access |
01/02/2008 |
Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking |
GPO Access |
08/25/2008 |
First Sale Declaration Requirement |
GPO Access |
11/19/2008 |
Notice of Cancellation of Customs Broker Licenses |
GPO Access |
11/19/2008 |
Notice of Cancellation of Customs Broker License Due to Death of the License Holder (27388) |
GPO Access |
11/10/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Entry and Immediate Delivery Application |
GPO Access |
11/10/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Prior Disclosure Regulations |
GPO Access |
11/07/2008 |
Technical Corrections Relating to the Rules of Origin for Goods Imported Under the NAFTA and for Textile and Apparel Products (25734) |
GPO Access |
11/05/2008 |
Notice of Meeting of the Departmental Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection and Related Homeland Security Functions (COAC) - 26521 |
GPO Access |
11/13/2008 |
The Electronic System for Travel Authorization: Mandatory Compliance Required for Travel Under the Visa Waiver Program; Notice |
GPO Access |
10/31/2008 |
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Walkers |
GPO Access |
10/30/2008 |
Uniform Rules of Origin for Imported Merchandise (25731) |
GPO Access |
10/30/2008 |
Technical Corrections Relating to the Rules of Origin for Goods Imported Under the NAFTA and for Textile and Apparel Products |
GPO Access |
10/29/2008 |
Quarterly IRS Interest Rates Used in Calculating Interest on Overdue Accounts and Refunds on Customs Duties (25812) |
GPO Access |
10/23/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Certispec Services USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
10/23/2008 |
Approval of Oiltest, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger |
GPO Access |
10/23/2008 |
Approval of Omni Hydrocarbon Measurement, as a Commercial Gauger |
GPO Access |
10/22/2008 |
Request; Declaration of Owner for Merchandise Obtained (Other Than) in Pursuance of a Purchase or Agreement To Purchase and Declaration of Importer of Record When Entry Is Made by an Agent |
GPO Access |
10/22/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Documents Required Aboard Private Aircraft |
GPO Access |
10/22/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; NAFTA Regulations and Certificate of Origin |
GPO Access |
10/17/2008 |
Assessment and Mitigation of Claims for Liquidated Damages for Nonpayment or Late Payment of Estimated Duties Under the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Periodic Monthly Statement Payment Process Test |
GPO Access |
10/15/2008 |
Countries Whose Pleasure Vessels May Be Issued Cruising Licenses |
GPO Access |
10/09/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (24041) |
GPO Access |
10/09/2008 |
Notice of Revocation of Customs Broker License |
GPO Access |
10/06/2008 |
Issuance of a Visa and Authorization for Temporary Admission Into the United States for Certain Nonimmigrant Aliens Infected With HIV |
GPO Access |
10/06/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Complaint Management System |
GPO Access |
09/26/2008 |
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Certain Mesh Dressing |
GPO Access |
09/23/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Amspec Services LLC, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (22217) |
GPO Access |
09/23/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (22216) |
GPO Access |
09/23/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (22219) |
GPO Access |
09/23/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (2221) |
GPO Access |
09/19/2008 |
Extension of Import Restrictions Imposed on Archaeological Material From Cambodia |
GPO Access |
09/19/2008 |
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter |
GPO Access |
09/10/2008 |
Technical Amendment to List of User Fee Airports: Addition of Valley International Airport, Harlingen, TX |
GPO Access |
09/09/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Crew Effects Declaration |
GPO Access |
09/09/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Vessel Entrance or Clearance Statement |
GPO Access |
09/08/2008 |
Uniform Rules of Origin for Imported Merchandise |
GPO Access |
09/08/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Entry and Manifest of Merchandise Free of Duty |
GPO Access |
09/08/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Foreign Trade Zone Annual Reconciliation Certification and Record Keeping Requirement |
GPO Access |
09/08/2008 |
Activities: Petition for Remission or Mitigation of Forfeitures and Penalties Incurred |
GPO Access |
09/08/2008 |
Announcement of Termination of National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Test: Semi-Monthly Statement Processing Prototype |
GPO Access |
09/05/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request Entry and Immediate Delivery Application |
GPO Access |
09/05/2008 |
Proposed Collection; Comment Request Prior Disclosure Regulations |
GPO Access |
09/05/2008 |
Notice of Cancellation of Customs Broker License |
GPO Access |
09/05/2008 |
Notice of Cancellation of Customs Broker License Due to Death of the License Holder (20677) |
GPO Access |
09/05/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Chem Gas International LLC, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory |
GPO Access |
08/26/2008 |
National Customs Automation Program Test Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue |
GPO Access |
08/26/2008 |
Customs and Border Protection Trade Symposium 2008: ‘‘Global Trade: Continuity Through Transition” |
GPO Access |
08/25/2008 |
Entry Requirements for Certain Softwood Lumber Products Exported From Any Country Into the United States |
GPO Access |
08/25/2008 |
First Sale Declaration Requirement (19640) |
GPO Access |
08/15/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Harbor Maintenance Fee |
GPO Access |
08/13/2008 |
Expansion of Global Entry Pilot Program |
GPO Access |
08/07/2008 |
Container Seals on Maritime Cargo |
GPO Access |
08/05/2008 |
Electronic Payment and Refund of Quarterly Harbor Maintenance Fees |
GPO Access |
07/22/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Camin Cargo Control, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (16714) |
GPO Access |
07/22/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (16716) |
GPO Access |
07/21/2008 |
Notice of Cancellation of Customs Broker Licenses Due to Death of the License Holder |
GPO Access |
07/18/2008 |
Notice of Meeting of The Departmental Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection and Related Homeland Security Functions (COAC) - 16538 |
GPO Access |
07/16/2008 |
Technical Corrections to Customs and Border Protection Regulations |
GPO Access |
07/15/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Guam Visa Waiver Agreement |
GPO Access |
07/03/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Line Release Regulations |
GPO Access |
07/03/2008 |
Quarterly IRS Interest Rates Used in Calculating Interest on Overdue Accounts and Refunds on Customs Duties (15173) |
GPO Access |
11/24/2008 |
Customs Brokers User Fee Payment for 2009 |
GPO Access |
11/25/2008 |
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Multifunctional Machines (28014) |
GPO Access |
11/25/2008 |
Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements; Final Rule |
GPO Access |
11/28/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities; Declaration of a Person Abroad Who Receives and Is Returning Merchandise to the United States |
GPO Access |
11/28/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities; JADE Act |
GPO Access |
11/28/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities; Andean Trade Preferences |
GPO Access |
11/28/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities; Application for Withdrawal of Bonded Stores for Fishing Vessels and Certification of Use |
GPO Access |
12/02/2008 |
Designation of an Enhanced Driver’s License and Identity Document Issued by the State of New York as a Travel Document Under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative |
GPO Access |
12/12/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities Arrival and Departure Record |
GPO Access |
12/12/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Complaint Management System |
GPO Access |
12/17/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Screening Requirements for Carriers |
GPO Access |
12/18/2008 |
H–2A Petitioner’s Employment-Related or Fee-Related Notification |
GPO Access |
12/18/2008 |
Notice of H–2A Temporary Worker Visa Exit Program Pilot |
GPO Access |
12/19/2008 |
Notice of Expansion of Temporary Worker Visa Exit Program Pilot To Include H–2B Temporary Workers |
GPO Access |
12/22/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (30338) |
GPO Access |
12/22/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (30339) |
GPO Access |
12/22/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (30343) |
GPO Access |
12/22/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (30337) |
GPO Access |
12/22/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (30340) |
GPO Access |
12/22/2008 |
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (30342) |
GPO Access |
12/22/2008 |
Accreditation of Altol Chemical and Environmental Lab Inc., as a Commercial Laboratory |
GPO Access |
12/22/2008 |
Accreditation of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Laboratory |
GPO Access |
12/22/2008 |
Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger |
GPO Access |
12/24/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Declaration of Owner for Merchandise Obtained (Otherwise Than) in Pursuance of a Purchase or Agreement to Purchase and Declaration of Consignee When Entry is Made by an Agent |
GPO Access |
12/24/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Documents Required on Private Aircraft |
GPO Access |
12/24/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: Dominican Republic - Central America - U.S. Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) |
GPO Access |
12/24/2008 |
Agency Information Collection Activities: NAFTA Regulations and Certificate of Origin |
GPO Access |