The U.S. – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a trade agreement between the named parties that entered into force on July 1, 2020.
To help coordinate the implementation of the USMCA, and provide comprehensive guidance to stakeholders, CBP stood up the USMCA Center in March 2020. The Center, located within CBP’s Office of Trade, Trade Programs and Policy Directorate, has successfully accomplished its mission for the past two and a half years.
As of February 12, 2023, this important work will continue to be carried out under CBP’s Office of Trade, Trade Policy and Programs Directorate, but will be transitioned to the Textiles and Trade Agreements Division, which will spearhead all USMCA issues and inquiries.
CBP intends this to be a seamless transition that will not affect CBP’s continued and consistent USMCA stakeholder support.
- There will be no change to the submission and processing of USMCA automotive certifications through the USMCA Automotive Portal.
- The point of contact for USMCA related inquires, the USMCA email inbox (usmca@cbp.dhs.gov) will remain unchanged.
- Stakeholders will be able to locate and access all the same information as before from this website.
- The USMCA entered into force on July 1, 2020. NAFTA preferential treatment cannot be claimed on July 1, 2020 or afterwards.
- For merchandise entered into commerce on or before June 30, 2020, NAFTA rules will continue to apply.
- CSMS #45309245 - USMCA - Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 & End of Restrained Enforcement - On December 27, 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 [H.R.133 – 116th Congress (2019-2020)] was signed into law. The Act contains technical corrections for the USMCA, including on merchandise processing fee refunds for post-entry claims (including for 520(d) and reconciliation claims) and on foreign trade zones. These technical corrections are retroactive to July 1, 2020.
Interim Final Rule (IFR) - Implementing Regulations Related to Textile and Apparel Goods, Automotive Goods, and Other USMCA Provisions
On January 17, 2025, CBP issued an Interim Final Rule (IFR) of USMCA Implementing Regulations regarding Textile and Apparel Goods, Automotive Goods, and other USMCA Provisions, allowing CBP to improve enforcement, provide greater clarity for compliance, and reduce uncertainty for importers.
For more information see:
- The Cargo Systems Messaging Service – CSMS Notice (CSMS # 63772715)
- Federal Register - (90 FR 6456)
Uniform Regulations, General Note, and Implementation Instructions - Final (as of June 30, 2020)
On April 20, 2020, CBP published interim implementing instructions. These interim implementing instruction have been subsequently updated to reflect the published Uniform Regulations (Federal Register)and General Note 11.
- CSMS #43062320 - US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Updated Interim Implementation Instructions - On June 16, 2020, the U.S. Trade Representative published Updated Uniform Regulations for the USMCA’s Chapter 4 (Rules of Origin) and Chapter 5 (Origin Procedures). This version of the document replaces the Interim Implementing Instructions issued on April 20, 2020.
- CSMS #43215543 - US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Implementing Instructions (Final) - On June 30, 2020, the U.S. International Trade Commission published General Note 11, incorporating the USMCA into the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, and accordingly, CBP updated our USMCA Implementing Instructions. This version of the document replaces the Interim Implementing Instructions issued on June 16, 2020.
- On December 27, 2020, the Consolidated Appropriation Act (Pub. Law No. 116-260) was signed into law, including several changes to the implementation of the USMCA. These changes are detailed in a January 12, 2021 addendum to the USMCA Implementing Instructions. Available in Spanish and French Translations.
Compliance Guidance
- CBP will use this webpage to post informational links, compliance guidance materials, points of contact, and Frequently Asked Questions. Additional guidance on USMCA compliance for the trade community will be posted here as developed. This webpage will be continually updated.
- CBP has recorded a webinar regarding USMCA compliance for the private sector. Please visit CBP’s Trade Outreach via Webinar webpage for more information.
- CBP urges the import/export community to monitor CBP.gov/Trade, the Cargo System Messaging Service, and @CBPTradeGov on Twitter for updates on USMCA implementation dates; regulatory drafting; Frequently Asked Questions and other compliance resources.
- The USMCA contains provisions relating to the prohibition of the importation of goods sourced from forced labor. For additional information on CBP’s enforcement against this prohibition, please visit our Forced Labor webpage.
- The USMCA requires a “certification of origin.”
- Any format is acceptable, provided it contains nine (9) minimum data elements set out in the USMCA, Annex 5-A. To facilitate compliance, CBP has created a suggested template for the USMCA and other free trade agreements. Please note: this PDF does not work on all Internet Browsers. The form will work best on Internet Explorer.
- Additional information on how to make USMCA preferential treatment claims can be found on this website, including an instructional video ("How to Make a USMCA Claim").
Additional Resources
- U.S. – Mexico – Canada Agreement Text
- U.S. – Mexico – Canada Agreement Implementation Act (Public Law No: 116-113)
- Non-Preferential Origin Determinations for Merchandise Imported from Canada or Mexico for Implementation of the Agreement Between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada (86 FR 35422)
- Agreement Between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada Implementing Regulations Related to the Marking Rules, Tariff-rate Quotas, and other USMCA Provisions (86 FR 35566)
- Implementation of the Agreement Between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada (USMCA) Uniform Regulations Regarding Rules of Origin (85 FR 39690)
- Modification of the National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Test Regarding Reconciliation for Filing Post-Importation Claims Arising Under the Agreement Between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada (USMCA) (85 FR 39576)
- High-Wage Components of the Labor Value Content Requirements Under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act (85 FR 39782)
- Procedures for the Submission of Petitions by North American Producers of Passenger Vehicles or Light Trucks To Use the Alternative Staging Regime for the USMCA Rules of Origin for Automotive Goods (85 FR 22238)
- Accessories
- Accumulation
- Administrative Guidance
- Advanced Rulings
- Advise on Drawback Duty and Duty Deferral
- Chemical Reaction Rules
- Coated Fabrics
- Customs Compliance Verification Requests
- Customs Cooperation
- Customs and Trade Facilitation
- De Minimis Requirements
- Determination of Origin
- Drawback and Duty Deferral Program
- Entry and Reconciliation
- Export Duties
- Fungible Materials
- Further Adjustments to the Value of Materials
- Indirect Materials
- Intermediate Materials
- Most Favored Nation
- Narrow Elastic Fabric
- Notification of Treatment
- Origin Certification
- Origin Verification
- Overview Customs Duties
- Penalties
- Post – Importation
- Rayon Fiber Filament
- Recordkeeping Requirements
- Recovered Materials
- Regional and Bilateral Cooperation Enforcement
- Regional Value Content
- Remanufactured Goods
- Review and Appeal
- Risk Management
- Sets and Kits
- Sewing Thread
- Standards of Conduct
- Technology and Single Window
- Temporary Admission of Goods
- Trade Facilitation
- Transparency, Predictability, and Consistency in Customs Procedures
- Treatment of Customs Duties
- Treatment of Textile Sets
- Uniform Regulations (USMCA Fact Sheet)
- Used Vehicles
- Visible Linings
- Waste and Scrap
Introduction to USMCA
This video will introduce you to the new United States Mexico Canada Agreement.
- Introduction to the U.S. – Mexico – Canada Agreement(English Captions)
- Introducción al Tratado México – Estados Unidos – Canadá (Spanish Captions)
- Introduction à l’Accord Canada – États-Unis – Mexique (ACÉUM) (French Captions)
The Differences Between NAFTA and USMCA
This video will give you a close look into some of the differences between NAFTA and the USMCA.
- The Differences Between NAFTA and the USMCA (English Captions)
- Las Diferencias entre el Tratado de Libre Comercio de America del Norte y el Tratado entre México – Estados Unidos – Canadá (Spanish Captions)
- Les différences entre l’Accord de libre-échange Nord-Américain (ALÉNA) et l’Accord Canada – États-Unis – Mexique (ACÉUM) (French Captions)
How to Make a USMCA Claim
This video walks you through the claim process.
- How to Make a USMCA Claim (English Captions)
- Cómo hacer un reclamo Tratado entre México – Estados Unidos – Canadá (Spanish Captions)
- Comment faire une réclamation l’Accord Canada – États-Unis – Mexique (ACÉUM) (French Captions)
New Auto Rules
This video will introduce you to the new requirements for the automotive rules of origin, for producers and importers.
- New Auto Rules (English Captions)
- Nuevas Reglas Automotriz (Spanish Captions)
- Nouvelles Règles d’Automobile (French Captions)
Changes for the Textile and Wearing Apparel Industries
This video will discuss the resultant changes for the textiles and wearing apparel industries under the Agreement’s requirements.
- Changes for the Textile and Wearing Apparel Industries (English Captions)
- Los cambios para las industrias textil y de ropa de vestir (Spanish Captions)
- Les changements qui auront un impact sur l’industrie textile et l’industrie du vêtement (French Captions)
The Verification Process
This video will discuss how CBP may conduct a verification to determine whether a good entered with a claim for preferential treatment under the USMCA qualifies as originating.
- Verification Process (English Captions)
- Proceso de Verificación (Spanish Captions)
- Processus de Vérification (French Captions)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issues binding advance rulings and other legal decisions in connection with the importation of merchandise into the United States. Advance rulings provide the international trade community with a transparent and efficient means of understanding how CBP will treat a prospective import or carrier transaction. Rulings relating to U.S. – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA) preferential treatment claims have begun to be issued, and can be accessed via the Customs Online Rulings Search System (CROSS).
Additional information on how to seek a binding advance ruling is available on the Rulings and Legal Decisions page.
Rulings relating to USMCA preferential treatment claims can be found on CROSS.
For CBP related questions on USMCA, please contact the offices listed below for assistance:
Priority Trade Issues/Trade Agreements Information
CBP Importing Information
ASK CBP at https://help.cbp.gov/ and CBP Help Desk at 1-877-CBP-5511 / Contact Us
Status on Trade Negotiations including Updated Status
U.S. Trade Representative
ACE Entry Filing Problems/Rejects
Your assigned ACE client representative
CBP Entry-specific Inquiries
Contact the Import Specialist Team at your assigned Center of Excellence of Expertise at Centers of Excellence and Expertise Directory
U.S. Department of Commerce (http://www.trade.gov/export-solutions)
Additional guidance for export compliance for the USMCA is available via:
Mexico’s Tax Administration Service / Servicio de Administración Tributaria
Additional information on export compliance in general is available via CBP’s
Small Business Outreach
For guidance to small and medium sized businesses, please contact CBP’s
Email the Quota Branch at
Trade Agreements Inquiries
Email the Trade Agreements Branch at FTA@cbp.dhs.gov
For information on all trade agreements, visit Trade Priority Issues - Trade Agreements
Textiles Inquiries
Email the Textiles and Wearing Apparel Branch at OTTEXTILE_POLICY_ENF@cbp.dhs.gov
USMCA Inquiries
If the resources listed above cannot answer your inquiry, email the Trade Agreements Branch. USMCA@CBP.DHS.gov
To schedule USMCA informational briefings for trade associations, industry groups, and other trade groups.
Email TradeEvents@CBP.DHS.gov