Our office provides law enforcement support for the state of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. This site provides Sector-related information, including Sector operations, contact information, where our stations are located, and news.
Miami Area of Responsibility
The Miami Sector (MIP) as we know it today was established in 1940 and consists of approximately 187,000 square miles and has 1,279 miles of coastal border (Florida only) along the Atlantic and Gulf shores of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina (1,776 miles of Coastal Border in the official area of responsibility (AOR). While the Miami Border Patrol Sector's AOR includes Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, the sector's primary area of operation takes place in the state of Florida, excluding the Florida Panhandle west of the Apalachicola River, which covers 42,464 square miles. There are six Border Patrol Stations located within the AOR of MIP. These stations are strategically located and staffed to address the current threat within the State of Florida only.
The Miami Sector Border Patrol coin is encircled with rope to symbolize our maritime tradition. The front of the coin denotes who we are with the U.S. Border Patrol symbol, in the hue of the uniform we proudly wear. The rear of the coin is bordered with the names of our six Border Patrol Stations represented in Florida. Miami Sector is imprinted above the alligator and below is the U.S. Border Patrol’s motto, “Honor First.”