*The OMB Date is expired, however this form is still valid for use and is under review by OMB awaiting a new expiration date.
A warehouse proprietor is required to file a submission for each warehouse facility. An authorized representative must sign the document where indicated prior to issuing to CBP.
Application for Allowance in Duties.
Application for Exportation of Articles Under Special Bond.
Information for Customs Brokers, Privacy Act Statement CBP Form 324A.
Annual User Fee Decal Request - Vehicle Application
Formulaire 6059B à remplir en français. Ce formulaire peut désormais être rempli avant ou pendant votre voyage et être rempli à la machine (au lieu d'être écrit à la main), puis imprimé et emporté avec vous comme votre déclaration en douane officielle.
Formulário 6059B Declaração Aduaneira - Português (Preenchível). Este formulário está agora disponível antes e durante a viagem para abrir e digitar as informações em vez de escrever à mão e depois imprimir e levar consigo como sua Declaração Aduaneira oficial.
Form 6059B Customs Declaration in English and Fillable. This form can be now be filled out prior to or during your travel and be filled out by typing (instead of hand written) and then printed and taken with you as your official Customs Declaration.