MARFA, Texas – The Chief Patrol Agent for Big Bend Sector held a news conference here to discuss the deployment and effectiveness of rescue beacons across the sector.
Today, a news conference was held to provide life-saving information to media outlets regarding the deployment and immediate success of rescue beacons being deployed within Big Bend Sector. Temperatures remain dangerously high in terrain devoid of water resources necessitating a news conference to get info to the public.
Rescue beacons being deployed by U.S. Border Patrol through partnerships with land-owners are saving lives. They are proving to be an important tool for undocumented migrants to find them, day-or-night, and call for assistance in the unforgiving terrain of West Texas. The rescue beacons are activated with the simple push of a button to notify Border Patrol of people in distress.
Border Patrol Sector Chief Sean L. McGoffin was joined by representatives from local governments as well as law-enforcement partners at the local and state level. It was reiterated that, should undocumented migrants find themselves abandoned in the desert terrain, the harsh conditions mean activation of a rescue beacon may be their only chance of survival.
The initial deployment of a rescue beacon near Sierra Blanca has resulted in four separate activations, which represented 10 persons. These are 10 lives that have been potentially saved had they not been able to seek assistance in other ways.
“There’s been an exponential increase in traffic across some of the most difficult terrain in all of Texas,” Big Bend Sector Chief Patrol Agent Sean L. McGoffin stated. “Rescue beacons are saving lives by allowing us to rescue people abandoned in the desert.”
Rescue beacons are painted with high-visibility orange markings, have instructions in multiple languages and have an elevated blue flashing light which can be seen from great distances at night. The entire unit is self-contained and powered by solar panels. Big Bend Sector is working with land-owners and local governments to accelerate the deployment of additional units across the region.
Big Bend Sector partners with many local and state law enforcement entities to keep our border communities safe. If you see something suspicious, report it by contacting our 24/7 hotline at
1-866-581-7549. Together, we can continue to uphold national security and combat illicit activity.
Honor First!