WASHINGTON— On September 18, 2023, CBP issued the notice of determination as to evasion for EAPA case 7740 filed by Cambria Company LLC, against U.S. importer LE North America JV, LLC (LENA) for evasion of the applicable AD/CVD orders A-570-084 and C-570-085 on quartz surface products from China. Specifically, CBP determined that substantial evidence does not support a conclusion that LENA imported Chinese-origin QSP through Thailand via Leta Stone Co., Ltd. (LETA).
Considering CBP’s determination that there is not substantial evidence that LENA entered covered merchandise that had been exported from Thailand into the customs territory of the United States through evasion during the period of this investigation, CBP will reverse any actions taken with respect to entries covered by this investigation. This determination does not preclude CBP or other agencies from pursuing other enforcement actions or penalties as may be appropriate.
For additional information on CBP and EAPA, please visit CBP.gov. If you suspect an importer of duty evasion, CBP encourages you to submit an allegation through our online portal.
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