TUCSON, Ariz. – Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents located an undocumented border crosser east of Douglas, Arizona on May 29 who called 911 for assistance.
The Cochise County Sheriff's Office received the call early Friday from a Mexican national who stated his smuggler abandoned him because a pre-existing medical condition prevented him from keeping up with the group.
Agents from Arizona’s Douglas Station and New Mexico’s Lordsburg Station, with assistance from an Office of Air and Marine helicopter crew, immediately initiated a search and rescue operation. Douglas agents, using sign-cutting techniques and geographic details provided by the caller, found the man in good health. Agents then transported the man to their station to begin removal processing, in accordance with Tucson Sector guidelines.
As this victim experienced firsthand, criminal smuggling organizations do not value human life and continually place migrants in perilous situations. Smugglers are not concerned about the safety of their customers and continue to put lives at risk.
Agents from the Brian A. Terry Station, along with a Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue team, also rescued two Mexican nationals in separate weekend events; bringing the total number of rescues within Tucson Sector to 293 from the beginning of the 2015 fiscal year through the end of May.
Time is critical for anyone stranded in Arizona's desert with triple-digit temperatures. Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents frequently shift from law enforcement to rescue-mode when finding these victims. Fortunately, more lives are saved thanks to local, state, tribal, and other federal agencies working together.